Friday, January 24, 2014


In my post (Majora's Mask remixed by Theophany),
I said that he's in the process of making Molgera for Wind Waker HD some kind of tribute.
So, here it is! Actually I know this from a month ago or so but just now I have time to write it here and since I'm very bored here and I got many free time, here it is!

Wind Waker fans now the awesome boss fight with Molgera, the boss fight isn't too special,
The music is definitely is! 
It's the best boss fight music I ever heard (for now) plus, it's really dramatic and on top of that it is really catchy!

So, here's the link to the song:

The song is pretty long its 9 minutes but its totally epic and worth it! 
And here is the wallpaper plus the cover of the soundtrack made by Imagination of Victorior:

^ The fan art is awesome btw and Molegra looks like Volvagia

So, download it now! Especially if Wind Waker is your favorite Zelda!

Theophany is doing the disc 2 for Time's End and oh, I'm very excited! I really, really REALLY love his song and can't wait for more! He said that Deku Palace and Oath to Order is going in there, I hope Stone Tower Temple is in there because its one of my favorite Temple/Dungeon's music! 

He also said: 
"The tracklist also sometimes changes at the last minute. For Disc 1, Majora's Wrath was added only a few weeks before the release. I just hadn't thought of the concept until a few weeks before the release, but as soon as I did I knew it belonged on the album. That's why I feel like this needs more time--for moments like that when it hits you and you know it's the right idea."

And I really think that he needs to take as long as it takes to make it perfect because once you releasing it, you can't change nor take it back. I really like this guy to be honest! His music just fit me perfectly!
Anyway download it if you like and I'll see you next time

"I actually intended to release the entire remixed soundtrack at once when I started in 2009. I create a lot of material for songs throughout the soundtrack, material that would technically be on disc 2 or 3 and so on. As Dec 21 2012 got closer I decided to focus on the first 3 days of the journey, and put more effort into each disc. A few of those concepts still exist on Disc 2, but I have also scrapped old material because I felt newer ideas were more compelling. I did the same thing as the release for Disc 1 approached--up to a week or two before the album came out actually. Tracks like Lover's Mask and Majora's Wrath came together in the last few weeks, and "Time's End" itself I was working on an 1 hour before the release of Disc 1. I basically didn't sleep for three days to finish it in time. The same goes for my friends who were working on the art. It was all pretty crazy."

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Today, I'm going to feature one of my favorite Zelda art-maker from 
Unique legend

She made many awesome Zelda arts, my only critic is sometimes the character isn't too lively, but that's just my opinion and only some of them look like that. But overall, it's great :D

So, just enjoy!

 ^ Inspired by A Link Between Worlds

 ^ Link playing the Harp inspired by Skyward Sword and the original concept

 ^ From Hyrule Warriors wo-hoooo! :D

 ^Inspired by Theophany's Time's End album:  Majora's Mask remix soundtrack 04. Clocktown 

 ^Inspired by Theophany's Time's End album: Majora's mask remix soundtrack 03. Terrible Fate

 ^ Inspired by Theophany's Time's End album: Majora's mask remix soundtrack number 02. The Clockworks

 ^ Majora's Mask transformation, poor link :(

 ^ Inspired by Theophany's Time's End album: Majora's mask remix soundtrack number 10. Time's End, its really beautiful and captures Majora's mask feeling. good job :)

 ^ Inspired by Theophany's Time's End album: Majora's mask remix soundtrack number 09. Final Hours

 ^Click to view the picture! A tribute to Skyward Sword, although its pretty plain (you could add more detail to make it more great) and the transition is not too good, it is still an awesome fan art!

^ Shieldless Link

She got more at her account! Click here:

There's some flaws but who care its freaking awesome! And I just love seeing all of these fan arts, they made a great tribute to the game aswell :)

I see you next time!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


For a very very popular game like Zelda, there's so many fan art that people make.
However this is some fan arts that in my opinion stand out above the others, and yes I already made post like this like a month or two month ago well I forgot,  and that fan art is really amazing really awesome.
And I really like to see all of these awesome fan art, so let's just straight to the fan arts! :D

Those 5 fan arts were made by the same person pretty awesome

All copyright is from the maker of this arts.
And all credit is from the maker of this arts.

There's many more fantastic Zelda fan arts that I have founded but this is for now! I really really love the details so I choose like the very detailed one, with the coolest background here! But I founded more so, see you in the next post with some fantastic Zelda fan art!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


So, hey again guys! Actually tomorrow there's a final semester tests and nah I'm here, playing Zelda lol :D
So, Im going to talk about MAJORA'S MASK!
My favourite Zelda game! Everybody talks about A Link Between Worlds (ALBW)
And, guess what I don't have 3DS and never had it, so I just wait for the emulator or a miracle to come!
So I just play A Link to the Past while everbody play ALBW. Well, enough about that:

So.. There's a good remix of Majora's Mask and it's not a dance music I really really love this album. Really beautiful, capture the feeling of Majora's Mask perfectly I always have a goosebumbs ( I think its incorrect but whatever), and really dramatic. In overall very beautiful song.

Go check it out and download it NOW! Really, for Majora's Mask fans, or any person that love this:

"I would like to thank everyone for the incredible reaction this project has received. For years I have wanted to create an album that attempted to capture the beautiful and nightmarish world of Majora's Mask. While I am only releasing the first disc today, Time's End will eventually cover the entire soundtrack. This album is a free gift to fans and a tribute to one of the greatest games ever made."

Yes, this album is called Time's End and you can download it now :D
There's 10 beautiful songs in it, each one really captures the feeling of Majora's Mask especially Lovers Mask, Final Hours and Time's End. I download this song like 2 months ago and until now I just cant get enough of it, I hear this songs everyday it just, so dramatic, dark and beautiful :)
The one who made this is Theophany, the quality of each songs is very good I wonder how he/she (probably he) made this.. It just beautiful, its a masterpiece :)

Maybe first you are confused with the song but keep listen to it! It'll clicked :)

This is the songs: (download it on the site)

01 Majora's Mask - 02:53 (6.74 MB)
02 The Clockworks - 03:15 (7.59 MB)
03 Terrible Fate - 06:34 (15.1 MB)
04 Clocktown - 06:41 (15.4 MB)
05 Healing the Great Fairy - 05:26 (12.5 MB)
06 Moon's Tear - 07:31 (17.3 MB)
07 Lovers Mask - 06:35 (15.2 MB)
08 Majora's Wrath - 03:23 (7.89 MB)
09 Final Hours - 02:37 (6.13 MB)
10 Time's End  - 08:22 (19.2 MB) < my most favorite but cant decide though

My favorites are: 03, 07, 08, 09, & 10
If you haven't realize by now the song is sorted by the events in Majora's Mask
So first, Link meet Skull Kid which is song number 01, then he goes to the inside of the clock tower song number 02, then meet Happy Mask Salesman in his famous quote, "You've met with terrible fate haven't you?" song number 03, then Link goes to clocktown song number 04, go to the Fairy's Fountain song number 05, then goes to the astral observatory to collect moon's tear song number 06, then Anju & Kafei sidequest song number 07, and the Majora's Wrath made the moon come more and more closer song number 08, then the final hours song number 09 then the Time's End song number 10.
Pretty cool, huh?

^ this is also the official art of Time's End

Btw, the mask in the picture above above is a real Majora's wooden mask which I'll show you the process of the making. It is super awesome, all I know is the person who made that is called Luigi (maybe..)

Anyway Theophany is in the process of making Wind Waker too which is kinda awesome I'll be waiting for it :D

So, I really really REALLY recommended this album, download it now!

So that's all for today, I'll see you next time tell me your favorites! :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


This is a little bit important!
Now, sorry for being not post something in this blog, been kinda neglecting this blog...

And I want to talk to you about Zelda.
First. I want to re-do the top 5 Zelda game, I changed my opinion and honestly I think some of those opinion in before is kinda stupid :( But my top 1 is still Majora's Mask.
The first Zelda game you played usually become your number 1 Top Zelda game, I dont know why but yeah, my 1st Zelda game is Majora's Mask

And in the top 5 I said "I love the game with beautiful graphic"
Well I changed my mind since playing A Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda (NES)  I think a great game doesn't always need beautiful graphic for it to be great... So yeah, I kinda want to like "unsaid" that...

And second I just won an art contest yay! Actually I won like 5 times (dont want to brag) and one of them have prizes, and it is HYRULE HISTORIA!
C'mon every Zelda fans want that! Its like the greatest book ever! You know what Hyrule Historia cost in my country?! In USA its 30$ in here its like 65$ its unfair, its like more than 100%!

So, Im sending it to other country that more closer in the "peoplethatmakethisartcontest"s country, so he doesn't spent money too much. So Im taking it in 21 December because its holiday and Im going to that country! Can't wait, really! Everytime I go to the book store I always stare at the book, like "WHEN CAN I GET YOU?! I JUST WANT TO LOVE YOU!"

Third, is anybody excited about A LINK BETWEEN WORLDS? it released at 22 November which is in my country 2 days again! And I dont have 3DS so... It kinda suck, I know.

Im going to post Zelda things (AGAIN!) like soon, or maybe anything else but its video game related....

So yeah well I see you next time! Bye :D

Thursday, October 3, 2013

LEGEND OF ZELDA - The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary (3)

In February 21, 2011 marked the 25th anniversary of the Zelda franchise, commemorating the Japanese release of the original The Legend of Zelda. This was celebrated with a series of game releases as well as special events throughout the course of 2011, most of which were announced during the E3 2011 Nintendo conference. The logo for the Zelda 25th birthday was revealed during the 2011 Game Developers Conference, where Nintendo announced that they had special plans prepared for the anniversary, mentioning that it would be handled differently than the Mario anniversary.

But anyway Im not talking about the symphony, I'm talking an amazing fan art - probably the most amazing Zelda fan art I ever see-- It's dedicated for the 25th Anniversary. Anyway this post is going to be short, it seems that I update this blog once a month or twice a month.. Well it doesn't matter let just see the fan art.
I want to show this to all of you, it is super amazing :) I swear

^ I think this is the biggest size I can get in this blog :(

It is so amazing, I wonder who did this fan art...
So that's all for today I'm really sorry for the short post I don't have anything really excited right now.. So... Yeah. You can save this picture it's high definition it's 7,03mb if I'm not wrong
So, thanks for reading this, have a good day and keep playing Zelda <3

Bye :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Hello I'm back again with LEGEND OF ZELDA.
So, I want to talk again about this awesome video game. I think I still don't know Zelda that much (like so so much) like the other Zelda enthusiast but I'm still learning okay? I haven't play all the games, but I already 'watch' them. The one that I haven't watch or play at all is Oracle of Ages (and Oracle of Seasons too), Adventure of Link, and Minish Cap. So... I think I want to do....


There are 15 Zelda games and the 1 is coming out next year called "A Link Between Worlds" so I'm going to choose five of them and this is gonna be hard. I think :) And I'm doing this because I'm bored and nothing to do and hey, why not write this thing? :D

So, lets start from number 5!

5. The Wind Waker



 So I think this game graphic is not too bad its kinda cool! The graphic is same with Phantom Hourglass but I like this more because Phantom Hourglass is made for Nintendo DS and my DS is broken so I use my laptop and I play all my games in laptop and the control for DS in laptop is bad. So I don't play it until the end. 

This game is so cool sailing around like that, many people don't like the sailing, the pirates and stuff. But I like this I don't know why it just kinda fun finding some island killing and take their rupees...

I so disappointed when I found out Tetra is Zelda :( Just... Why almost all of Zelda game is saving Zelda? Geez, you should carry charm or something why you always have bad luck you're like bad luck Brian... But that doesn't mean I hate Zelda hey I want cosplay to be her why should I hate her just kinda mainstream, don't you think? lol :)

Anyway I love game with pretty graphic so please understand why Zelda games with 8-bit graphic doesn't get into top 5, sorry :/ Well maybe the good one I mean Zelda first game is really really fun but the graphic is old. So... Yeah.
So, move on to number 4...

4. Skyward Sword


 So, yeah! Skyward Sword :D and I think you all starting to know what is number 3, 2, and 1. Hahaha, keep guessing!
So, the graphic is absolutely beautiful, and different with Twilight Princess AND I really really want to get this game! Where can I buy this and Twilight Princess? Geez, I can't find it everywhere I guess I'll download it then! There is flying feature in this game but you can't fly at night... 

The environment is awesome and Link's costume different than the usual he's not wearing tunic. WHY?? Well I'm not gonna complain he's gonna change it into usual again anyway. Well maybe that's prove that Link has another clothes too! lol But he looks better wearing tunic. 
Anyway Skyward Sword is the newest Zelda game. Like 2011 or 2012? I forgot and I'm too lazy to search it on Google.

I really can't wait to play and they say this is great. Well I hope the control on the laptop are not that bad... Otherwise I'm going to have bad time but, yeah, I have to learn to get used to it then! I already download the emulator, so just wait for my internet to get unlimited then. Because this game's size is big. Well, so much for beautiful-graphic game!

But! One think I super super hate in this game is...

Look at her style now! WHY IS IT CHANGED? HER TWILIGHT PRINCESS VERSION IS PERFECT! Sure people say her Twilight Version is like a cold hearted girl but she is so beautiful in there! It's perfect! People say her Skyward version is amazing. Really?! Are you sure? Okay I'm sorry just getting mad. Look at her now:

Her face is like child! Her costume is ugly! Her hair is too simple! Her hair now is blonde! She doesn't look like a princess! She looks like village girl! Ughhh I'm so angry!

Anyway move on to number 3 I think you already know what is it...

3. Twilight Princess



Yes! Twilight Princess! Pretty obvious doesn't it? Because I always talk about this?
Well, people say "ugh, this game is suck! this game is blah blah" Well there is some cons in this game. But lets talk about the pros first:

Well, the graphic is amazing absolutely great! Better than Skyward, why? This game's style is more dark than Skyward Sword. And the Zelda is absolutely fabulous in here! But lets talk about her later... Link become wolf here, wolf link I guess. And there's Midna! I love her she is awesome!
This game is dark but it tries too hard to be dark.

So move on with the cons:

Like I say it tries too hard to be dark, so that the game is not colourful, and the world is so big but it seems so naked and not in the pretty way like there's nothing in it. And there's Agitha she is cute but... A bug enthusiast? Pretty creepy. Well Legend of Zelda's character, most of all is weird. Like Tingle, Anju's Grandma, The Lady that keeps your money in Clock Town in Majora's Mask (forgot her name, sorry), and the others (there are so ma ny weird characters!)
And I'm a little tired I'm going to play Ocarina of Time first, going to take a break lol :D

*after playing Ocarina of Time
Zelda in Twilight Princess is so perfect:


Her costume is beautiful also her accessories, her hair, I just love her version in Twilight Princess. I think she is not cold hearted in this game :D I just love her in this version Skyward Sword version is my least favorite. 

Move on to number 2

2. Ocarina of Time

I think you know what is the number 1 heheh... Okay number 2 is Ocarina of Time! It's obvious this game is awesome no question again. I like this game graphic even though its not so good like Twilight Princess (of course, look at the year) but many people like this game. This game won many award, get high rating.

I love this game, it's way more better then before.
You should play it, if you haven't played it yet
But there's some funny glitches in this game. This game is not so dark, but still the best. You can use walkthrough but I prefer not. Well, maybe for the Skulltula and Heart Containers hehe :D

So no need more question, let's move on to number 1.


1. Majora's Mask



C'mon you must've seen this coming! 

Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game is darker than Twilight Princess I'm not talking about the graphic I'm talking about the story. Now, every character you see, they'll going to dead at the third day and it's so dark. You just look up and you'll see the moon come closer to you it's like reminder that you all will going to die. The last day is so sad. A moon that big will crash in the third day.

Many people complains about the third day cycle (I'm complaining too) but y'know it's not so bad. It's kind fun, expect the fact that you'll have to restart from over if you not finish it in time. I like to do the side quest, the side quest is so fun :) I like to do Kafei side quest where he and his wife waiting the moon to crash and die together. Haha it's kinda sad and sweet :D I like to do the side quest really.

So, I like this more than Ocarina of Time. The story is awesome the story is not about saving Zelda :D I kinda bored saving Zelda in every game I like this one really. They say Majora's Mask is represented with love and hate. The shape of the heart represent love and the spiky side (I don't know what is that called) represent hate.
^ Majora's Mask final battle

The Skull Kid is sad because of his friend left them because he's always playing trick on them so when he got the Majora's Mask from the Happy Mask Salesman, well he become like that. 
I kinda like Happy Mask Salesman he's creepy but a very interesting character, you see. :D I like this game so much :) It's awesome!
 I haven't finished the game yet but so much so far I'm having a great time :D

^ My drawing of Majora's Mask draw it really quick :)

So that's all for today I'm going to play Majora's Mask again :D
I'm so obsessed with this game maybe I'll talk about this again sometime I really don't have any plans. So thanks for reading this sorry if there are some wrong typo or wrong grammar, ect. Thanks for your time and keep playing Zelda! :D