Friday, January 24, 2014


In my post (Majora's Mask remixed by Theophany),
I said that he's in the process of making Molgera for Wind Waker HD some kind of tribute.
So, here it is! Actually I know this from a month ago or so but just now I have time to write it here and since I'm very bored here and I got many free time, here it is!

Wind Waker fans now the awesome boss fight with Molgera, the boss fight isn't too special,
The music is definitely is! 
It's the best boss fight music I ever heard (for now) plus, it's really dramatic and on top of that it is really catchy!

So, here's the link to the song:

The song is pretty long its 9 minutes but its totally epic and worth it! 
And here is the wallpaper plus the cover of the soundtrack made by Imagination of Victorior:

^ The fan art is awesome btw and Molegra looks like Volvagia

So, download it now! Especially if Wind Waker is your favorite Zelda!

Theophany is doing the disc 2 for Time's End and oh, I'm very excited! I really, really REALLY love his song and can't wait for more! He said that Deku Palace and Oath to Order is going in there, I hope Stone Tower Temple is in there because its one of my favorite Temple/Dungeon's music! 

He also said: 
"The tracklist also sometimes changes at the last minute. For Disc 1, Majora's Wrath was added only a few weeks before the release. I just hadn't thought of the concept until a few weeks before the release, but as soon as I did I knew it belonged on the album. That's why I feel like this needs more time--for moments like that when it hits you and you know it's the right idea."

And I really think that he needs to take as long as it takes to make it perfect because once you releasing it, you can't change nor take it back. I really like this guy to be honest! His music just fit me perfectly!
Anyway download it if you like and I'll see you next time

"I actually intended to release the entire remixed soundtrack at once when I started in 2009. I create a lot of material for songs throughout the soundtrack, material that would technically be on disc 2 or 3 and so on. As Dec 21 2012 got closer I decided to focus on the first 3 days of the journey, and put more effort into each disc. A few of those concepts still exist on Disc 2, but I have also scrapped old material because I felt newer ideas were more compelling. I did the same thing as the release for Disc 1 approached--up to a week or two before the album came out actually. Tracks like Lover's Mask and Majora's Wrath came together in the last few weeks, and "Time's End" itself I was working on an 1 hour before the release of Disc 1. I basically didn't sleep for three days to finish it in time. The same goes for my friends who were working on the art. It was all pretty crazy."

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