Thursday, October 3, 2013

LEGEND OF ZELDA - The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary (3)

In February 21, 2011 marked the 25th anniversary of the Zelda franchise, commemorating the Japanese release of the original The Legend of Zelda. This was celebrated with a series of game releases as well as special events throughout the course of 2011, most of which were announced during the E3 2011 Nintendo conference. The logo for the Zelda 25th birthday was revealed during the 2011 Game Developers Conference, where Nintendo announced that they had special plans prepared for the anniversary, mentioning that it would be handled differently than the Mario anniversary.

But anyway Im not talking about the symphony, I'm talking an amazing fan art - probably the most amazing Zelda fan art I ever see-- It's dedicated for the 25th Anniversary. Anyway this post is going to be short, it seems that I update this blog once a month or twice a month.. Well it doesn't matter let just see the fan art.
I want to show this to all of you, it is super amazing :) I swear

^ I think this is the biggest size I can get in this blog :(

It is so amazing, I wonder who did this fan art...
So that's all for today I'm really sorry for the short post I don't have anything really excited right now.. So... Yeah. You can save this picture it's high definition it's 7,03mb if I'm not wrong
So, thanks for reading this, have a good day and keep playing Zelda <3

Bye :)